2nd Annual Civics Education Briefing Day
March 14th, 2025
Join the educators and community members from around the state to make the case that strengthening civil educaiton should be a priority in Wisconsin.
2025 AB4: A bill to require civics for graduation
The bill outlines topics specific topics and pupil development goals to be included in civics instruction, and stipulates that that the the three social studies credits required for graduation also must include one-half credit of civics instruction. This graduation requirement first applies to pupils who graduate in the 2030-31 school year.
Bill Status:
2/3/25: AB4 introduced, read the first time, and referred to the Assembly Committee on Education
2/6/25: AB4 Scheduled for hearing at the Assembly Education Committee (10am 2/6/25) (see agenda here)
History of Bills to Require a Civics Course For Graduation
Wisconsin does not require students to take a civics or government class for high school graduation. This is a requirement in 37 states. Over the course of the past five years, a number of bills have been introduced to institute such a requirement, among other stipulations.
In late 2023 AB 898 was introduced in the Wisconsin Assembly. This bill required Wisconsins students to take one semester of Civics for graduation, outlined certain concepts that should be included in the course, and required DPI to create a model curriculum that would be approved by the Joint Committee On Rules and Regulations.
The bill received a hearing in the Assembly Education Committee and passed by a voice vote in the Assembly in February 2024. The bill was assigned to the Senate Education Committee, but did not receive a hearing before the session ended.
2024 Assembly Committee on Education
On January 17th, 2024 the Assembly Committee on Education held a public hearing on AB 898.